Recently discovered journals (supposedly) with Jim Henson’s original description of The Muppets shows that Henson was a weirdo!

Recently discovered journals (supposedly) with Jim Henson’s original description of The Muppets shows that Henson was a weirdo!
On this 15th day of NaBloPoMo, it’s difficult to find the right words.
For NaBloPoMo Day 13, just a little rant about the whole red cup fiasco and the jerkface who started it off. Why is this necessary in life???
Yes, Jaws is a scary movie, even if you’ve never seen it. But there was much more than I knew below the surface of my fear of sharks.
Despite my love of giving and receiving presents, I’m not participating in Black Friday today. Here are some thoughts about why.
Aaron Sorkin’s latest series The Newsroom returns tonight for its final season on HBO, and I, for one, am excited. The Newsroom faces a lot of scrutiny and has had some pretty not nice things said about it, some of which I agree with. And yet, I still love it and I’m looking forward to its return.
Nicki Minaj is butthurt because her alma mater, which is also my alma mater, declined her invitation to speak there. Too bad for her that’s not the whole story.
A recent TMZ video of Weird Al makes me think, perhaps, that even though he’s a big star, that he’s actually a lot like me.
My website, that is. One big physical move (from D.C. to L.A.) is enough for a few years. We’ve been living in L.A. for almost two years now, and I’ve learned a lot, about writing and blogging, and blog hosting, among many other things. I’ve decided to make my blog a little more professional, hopefully,…
A Burbank animator uses the crowdfunding giant for a commemorative Disney-style animation.