In an attempt to maintain my weekly blog-posting goal while preparing for a trip soon, here’s a little about the mystery sewing project I’m working on.

In an attempt to maintain my weekly blog-posting goal while preparing for a trip soon, here’s a little about the mystery sewing project I’m working on.
After a long weekend of teaching and dancing, my confidence is renewed.
On this 15th day of NaBloPoMo, it’s difficult to find the right words.
In which I talk a little about English Country Dance: what it’s like, my foray into it, and just a tiny bit of what it means to me.
After pushing, daring, myself to see Jaws Sunday night, I have many thoughts on the film, and my state of mind now.
To practice my new gif-making skills, I decided to look at one of my favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice.
The film Austenland makes me nostalgic for my days of dance reenacting, while I reflect on dance, fantasy, and romance.
When a comparison friends made years ago resurfaces, I consider the impression I make on others.