For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.

For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.
For TV Tuesday, I consider my relationships to TV Land’s Younger, Glee, and the problems of expectations. And how I’m definitely #TeamCharles.
Tis the season for making my own list of favorite Christmas movies.
Does iZombie finally give zombies that romantic upgrade over vampires that people have been talking about for so long?
I was so looking forward to Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck, but I found it very disappointing. For Movie Monday (and NaBloPoMo Day 9), I explain why.
I realized last night that Monday, all of a sudden, has become a big night for TV for me. Here’s why, and which shows get my DVR’s coveted attention.
The unlikely happened again: There’s actually a movie I’m excited to see. This time because of Amy Schumer and Bill Hader.
With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.
To practice my new gif-making skills, I decided to look at one of my favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice.
While trying to keep my craving to re-watch The Office at bay, I size up the fall season’s new crop of romantic TV sitcoms, most of which have already been canceled.