For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.

For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.
Tis the season for making my own list of favorite Christmas movies.
I realized last night that Monday, all of a sudden, has become a big night for TV for me. Here’s why, and which shows get my DVR’s coveted attention.
The unlikely happened again: There’s actually a movie I’m excited to see. This time because of Amy Schumer and Bill Hader.
While trying to keep my craving to re-watch The Office at bay, I size up the fall season’s new crop of romantic TV sitcoms, most of which have already been canceled.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about a new movie.
The film Austenland makes me nostalgic for my days of dance reenacting, while I reflect on dance, fantasy, and romance.
When a comparison friends made years ago resurfaces, I consider the impression I make on others.
There’s nothing to see at the movies these days.