I realized last night that Monday, all of a sudden, has become a big night for TV for me. Here’s why, and which shows get my DVR’s coveted attention.

I realized last night that Monday, all of a sudden, has become a big night for TV for me. Here’s why, and which shows get my DVR’s coveted attention.
With Peter Pan Live, one of the year’s most anticipated hate-watch events, airing tonight, I try to understand the practice of hate-watching.
With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.
I finally decided to give up on Gotham, the new Batman-origin-story drama on Fox, deleting it completely from my DVR. Here’s why.
While trying to keep my craving to re-watch The Office at bay, I size up the fall season’s new crop of romantic TV sitcoms, most of which have already been canceled.
Aaron Sorkin’s latest series The Newsroom returns tonight for its final season on HBO, and I, for one, am excited. The Newsroom faces a lot of scrutiny and has had some pretty not nice things said about it, some of which I agree with. And yet, I still love it and I’m looking forward to its return.
I’m not just a fan of the CBS drama The Good Wife, I also recap the show. Here’s a little love and a little about my latest recap.
Though it’s November, Halloween is still fresh in my mind, and given how proud I am of my costume this year, I’m considering what I love and what’s tricky about the holiday: finding that perfect costume idea.
Can you guess who we are? Read more for some hints.
It’s funny to write an ode to summer television when we’re already in the middle of October, but so be it. Just shows how quickly I lose track of time.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about a new movie.