I’ve fallen down on my weekly blog posts because it’s been a particular busy month. Here’s a quick recap of what I’ve been up to this month.
Category Archives: Costuming
The Big, Complicated, Mystery Sewing Project
In an attempt to maintain my weekly blog-posting goal while preparing for a trip soon, here’s a little about the mystery sewing project I’m working on.
Back in the Teaching Saddle Again
After a long weekend of teaching and dancing, my confidence is renewed.
TV Tuesday: The Downton Abbey Costume Exhibit
Enjoy a gallery of photos from the traveling exhibit, Dressing Downton, at Virginia Historical Society, about the fashions from Downton Abbey.
Halloween and NaBloPoMo 2015!
Kicking off NaBloPoMo with an introductory post and a recap of Halloween.
Some Thoughts on Makeup and Feminism
An article in Refinery29 about feminism in your makeup choices got me thinking about what I like about makeup.
Ghosts of Halloweens Past
Since I wrote about Halloween costumes the other day, and given that today’s #NaBloPoMo prompt is to write about a favorite holiday memory, I thought I’d post some pictures of couples costumes Alex and I did in past Halloweens. They’re all based, sometimes tenuously, in pop culture, and hopefully you can guess who they are. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
What Were You For Halloween?: Finding the Perfect Costume Idea
Though it’s November, Halloween is still fresh in my mind, and given how proud I am of my costume this year, I’m considering what I love and what’s tricky about the holiday: finding that perfect costume idea.
Can you guess who we are? Read more for some hints.