As promised in my last post, I’m revealing my 2017 Goals, and talking a bit about the group that keeps me motivated: my Accountabilibuddies.

As promised in my last post, I’m revealing my 2017 Goals, and talking a bit about the group that keeps me motivated: my Accountabilibuddies.
This will be a rough NaBloPoMo, even though my head is swimming with ideas. Here’s a few of them.
After pushing, daring, myself to see Jaws Sunday night, I have many thoughts on the film, and my state of mind now.
Yes, Jaws is a scary movie, even if you’ve never seen it. But there was much more than I knew below the surface of my fear of sharks.
I created a video that teaches the technique of the swing dance trick called The Window Shade. I introduce the video, and talk a little about why I made it.
Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt asks a deceptively difficult question: If you could permanently get rid of one worry, what would it be?
It’s a tricky question because it’s so easy to come up with answers. But one answer holds the key to many of the other problems…
Nicki Minaj is butthurt because her alma mater, which is also my alma mater, declined her invitation to speak there. Too bad for her that’s not the whole story.
While everyone else is throwing buckets of ice water on their heads, I’m very relieved to be tagged in a blogging meme where I don’t have to get wet. If you’re not familiar with the Writing Process Blog Tour, it’s easy: just answer four questions and tag three more people. Simple!
Yeah, right.
Some rambling thoughts about writing my blog, and a call to action for myself.
Experimental cellist Zoë Keating is performing at the Largo in Los Angeles tonight. I first saw her perform on JoCo Cruise Crazy in March 2013, and it completely blew my mind. The fact that her music is heard on the Sherlock Holmes-inspired show Elementary is fitting because Keating is never satisfied with just playing the cello. Instead, she fully investigates her sound, technique, and ability, detecting new ways to create not songs, but symphonic poems, with just her instrument and a computer. I was so completely overwhelmed and inspired by her performance that I wrote this review.