I may be slow getting into the new year, but I’m finally breaking into the guest posting game with a post about using color to express myself.

I may be slow getting into the new year, but I’m finally breaking into the guest posting game with a post about using color to express myself.
A recent TMZ video of Weird Al makes me think, perhaps, that even though he’s a big star, that he’s actually a lot like me.
The film Austenland makes me nostalgic for my days of dance reenacting, while I reflect on dance, fantasy, and romance.
When a comparison friends made years ago resurfaces, I consider the impression I make on others.
Experimental cellist Zoë Keating is performing at the Largo in Los Angeles tonight. I first saw her perform on JoCo Cruise Crazy in March 2013, and it completely blew my mind. The fact that her music is heard on the Sherlock Holmes-inspired show Elementary is fitting because Keating is never satisfied with just playing the cello. Instead, she fully investigates her sound, technique, and ability, detecting new ways to create not songs, but symphonic poems, with just her instrument and a computer. I was so completely overwhelmed and inspired by her performance that I wrote this review.
I attended what felt like a (stereo)typical night in Hollywood, at Chevrolet Film Night.