With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.

With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.
Today’s #NaBloPoMo prompt asks me if I think I’m funny, if I’m here to amuse, and what I find so damn funny. I try to answer.
An article in Refinery29 about feminism in your makeup choices got me thinking about what I like about makeup.
I just discovered this Get Lit video yesterday from The Queen Latifah Show, and it blew my mind. I was not this self-assured when I was a teen.
Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt asks a deceptively difficult question: If you could permanently get rid of one worry, what would it be?
It’s a tricky question because it’s so easy to come up with answers. But one answer holds the key to many of the other problems…
Today’s #NaBloPoMo prompt is about developing your voice as a writer, and whether you feel you’ve done so. Those are fine questions to consider, so let’s take a look, shall we?
Nicki Minaj is butthurt because her alma mater, which is also my alma mater, declined her invitation to speak there. Too bad for her that’s not the whole story.
Some rambling thoughts about writing my blog, and a call to action for myself.
A recent TMZ video of Weird Al makes me think, perhaps, that even though he’s a big star, that he’s actually a lot like me.
The film Austenland makes me nostalgic for my days of dance reenacting, while I reflect on dance, fantasy, and romance.