With Peter Pan Live, one of the year’s most anticipated hate-watch events, airing tonight, I try to understand the practice of hate-watching.

With Peter Pan Live, one of the year’s most anticipated hate-watch events, airing tonight, I try to understand the practice of hate-watching.
With my final #NaBloPoMo post, I look back on some of the things I’ve learned over the past month.
With Thanksgiving over, NaBloPoMo nearing its end, and December right around the corner, it’s time to reorganize my apartment for my first Christmas in L.A.
Despite my love of giving and receiving presents, I’m not participating in Black Friday today. Here are some thoughts about why.
For a Thanksgiving NaBloPoMo, I’m doing what we’re supposed to do on this holiday (besides eat, that is): naming just a few of the things I’m grateful for.
I created a video that teaches the technique of the swing dance trick called The Window Shade. I introduce the video, and talk a little about why I made it.
With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.
NaBloPoMo, while rewarding, isn’t the most stress-free of activities, not to mention the other things stressing me out right now. So I’m thinking about what I do to combat or relieve stress.
I finally decided to give up on Gotham, the new Batman-origin-story drama on Fox, deleting it completely from my DVR. Here’s why.
Taking a little break on Day 22 of NaBloPoMo with one of my favorite YouTube videos from AVByte.