For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.

For Movie Monday, I describe my recent realization about why I love Disney’s Zootopia so much, especially as I continue suffering through Comic Book Hero Burnout.
I’m really excited about this video compilation I made for the holidays! Check it out! 🙂
Tis the season for making my own list of favorite Christmas movies.
I was so looking forward to Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck, but I found it very disappointing. For Movie Monday (and NaBloPoMo Day 9), I explain why.
Is it me, or has excitement for the final Hunger Games installment died out? As a huge fan who’s breathlessly awaiting the last film, I hope not.
The unlikely happened again: There’s actually a movie I’m excited to see. This time because of Amy Schumer and Bill Hader.
After pushing, daring, myself to see Jaws Sunday night, I have many thoughts on the film, and my state of mind now.
Yes, Jaws is a scary movie, even if you’ve never seen it. But there was much more than I knew below the surface of my fear of sharks.
I’m taking the afternoon off to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I! So excited!
Finally! There’s lots of new promotional material for the upcoming movie adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s classic musical Into The Woods, and I couldn’t be more excited (and scared)!