NaBloPoMo, while rewarding, isn’t the most stress-free of activities, not to mention the other things stressing me out right now. So I’m thinking about what I do to combat or relieve stress.

NaBloPoMo, while rewarding, isn’t the most stress-free of activities, not to mention the other things stressing me out right now. So I’m thinking about what I do to combat or relieve stress.
Finally! There’s lots of new promotional material for the upcoming movie adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s classic musical Into The Woods, and I couldn’t be more excited (and scared)!
Since I wrote about Halloween costumes the other day, and given that today’s #NaBloPoMo prompt is to write about a favorite holiday memory, I thought I’d post some pictures of couples costumes Alex and I did in past Halloweens. They’re all based, sometimes tenuously, in pop culture, and hopefully you can guess who they are. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about a new movie.