Being that it’s halfway through the year, it’s time to evaluate my progress with a goals assessment.

Being that it’s halfway through the year, it’s time to evaluate my progress with a goals assessment.
For Video Vednesday, I’m sharing two of my old dance videos: an English Longsword dance and a Ragtime Castlewalk.
For Flashback Friday, I look back on my job history, especially some of the odd jobs I’ve held over the years.
After a long weekend of teaching and dancing, my confidence is renewed.
After thinking very hard about what I want, and writing a business plan, here at last is my list of 2016 goals.
Nerd Fest UK created an amazing classic movie dance mix, and I love it.
In which I talk a little about English Country Dance: what it’s like, my foray into it, and just a tiny bit of what it means to me.
I created a video that teaches the technique of the swing dance trick called The Window Shade. I introduce the video, and talk a little about why I made it.
With Dancing with the Stars airing its Season 19 finale tonight amid rumors of Janel and Val’s intimate relationship, I discuss how social dancing and romance don’t automatically go together.
The film Austenland makes me nostalgic for my days of dance reenacting, while I reflect on dance, fantasy, and romance.