On this quiet, grey, Saturday afternoon, Day 22 of an exhausting NaBloPoMo November, I’m attempting to take things slightly easier. Don’t get me wrong, NaBloPoMo has been enriching and educational, and I’m working on a couple of posts simultaneously today, but I’m also very happy that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I think for today, I’ll just share one of my favorite videos from AVbyte, a YouTube duo I discovered a couple years ago. I love most of their videos, but this one in particular seems appropriate for a quiet grey Saturday, and frankly, it’s what I’d rather be doing than working.
Vijay and Antonius Nazareth, the The AVbyte Brothers, create a new musical every week. I have no idea how they do it, but it’s clearly their primary job, because it’s a ton of work. Granted, by “musical” they really only mean one song, but it’s still a completely original song every week, composed, written, and arranged by them, and sung and danced by some wonderful musical theatre performers. They actually do three videos a week: the musical itself (every Monday), a behind the scenes video (Wednesdays), and a video where they answer questions and address comments (Fridays). The videos are extremely well done, and usually deal with pop culture and geek-related themes, from Doctor Who and Sherlock to Hipster Disney Princesses and Frozen (I especially love the message in the latter one), and even Twitter and online dating.
I sing the one below frequently, not just because it’s a catchy tune, but because it applies to my daily life—probably more frequently than it should. Especially if I’m anywhere near Facebook. Which I often am. Fortunately though, I suspect I’m not alone. This video probably applies to more of us than we want to admit.
If you’re doing this same thing today, hopefully you can at least enjoy this.