Enjoy a gallery of photos from the traveling exhibit, Dressing Downton, at Virginia Historical Society, about the fashions from Downton Abbey.
Tag Archives: Thanksgiving
TV Tuesday: The Downton Abbey Costume Exhibit

Some Self Flagellation for NaBloPoMo’s (Almost) Last Day
As I quickly approach the end of NaBloPoMo, I’m perhaps a bit hard on myself for missing a big chunk of the challenge this year.

I Took Photos of The Moon (Not Really)

Our Weird Capitalist Tradition: Black Friday
Despite my love of giving and receiving presents, I’m not participating in Black Friday today. Here are some thoughts about why.

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving: 10 Things I’m Grateful For
For a Thanksgiving NaBloPoMo, I’m doing what we’re supposed to do on this holiday (besides eat, that is): naming just a few of the things I’m grateful for.