It’s November! Despite how quickly time flies and how we wonder what happened to it, now is the time to focus on one of the projects you wish you had more time for. It’s NaNoWriMo time, or at least something like it!

It’s November! Despite how quickly time flies and how we wonder what happened to it, now is the time to focus on one of the projects you wish you had more time for. It’s NaNoWriMo time, or at least something like it!
While everyone else is throwing buckets of ice water on their heads, I’m very relieved to be tagged in a blogging meme where I don’t have to get wet. If you’re not familiar with the Writing Process Blog Tour, it’s easy: just answer four questions and tag three more people. Simple!
Yeah, right.
Some rambling thoughts about writing my blog, and a call to action for myself.